Requests & Forms

Registration: Customs / Immigration
If you are planning a registered flight to or from abroad the Schengen or European Customs Area, please make sure to register your flight with us either by email or by following the menu below. If you require this service, please let our OPS know at least 2 hours in advance.
Click here...
Request customer account
You do not even need to exit the aircraft to pay your airport fees. Fees can be invoiced at the end of the month.

Request to create a customer account here:
Click here...
submit PPR request
Flights outside regular operating hours must be announced and confirmed in advance. You can submit the request here using the online form.
Click here...
Request permanent hangar parking
Turntable hangar spaces for smaller single-engine or twin-engine aircraft (in the range of ultralight to Piper Seneca). To register on the waiting list, please use the form available via the link. We will contact you as soon as a parking space is available. Unfortunately, the waiting time cannot be estimated.
Click here...